Corrobond AR

20 & 200 Ltr

Acrylic polymer bonding agent.


Corrobond AR is a styrene free, milky white emulsion, based on a pure acrylic polymer that is designed to improve the physical properties and integrity of cementitious mortars, screeds or renders, and act as a bonding agent / sealer to concrete, plaster or other porous substrates.

Corrobond AR improves durability, compressive, tensile and flexural properties of modified mixes whilst reducing permeability, making it suitable for horizontal or vertical applications both internally and externally, including areas subject to wet / dry cycling or permanent immersion.


Corrobond AR is highly versatile and can be used for a variety of applications including filling of hairline cracks, as a bonding slurry and integral admixture for sand / cement mortars, screeds and renders, bedding of kerbs, tiles and other general concrete reconstruction work.

Corrobond AR is particularly suitable for use with thin section repair mortars and screeds from 10 to 40 mm thickness, as an economical alternative to pre-bagged materials.